Wingspan: Activity of the Week

Stuck at home? Stay entertained with unique games

Over the years, we’ve learned how to make being locked in a room as entertaining as possible. Although you can’t come over to Breakout CoMo at the moment, there are plenty of ways to have fun while you’re locked in your own room. Over the next few weeks, we’ll share our favorite isolation-friendly games to keep you entertained while stuck at home.

One of the best games to play at home is Wingspan. Wingspan, made by Stonemaier Games, has quickly become one of our favorite activities to play at home. It’s a great game for families, friend groups, and any couple who enjoys unique date nights.

Wingspan is a card-based board game with a bird-watching theme. It’s challenging and well-designed, and we’ve even played it on Zoom. And don’t be scared by the bird watching theme. We weren’t particularly interested in birds before, but that’s changed since we started playing!

All about Wingspan 

  • 1-5 players

  • 40-70 minute playing time

  • Ages 10+

  • Engine building game 

How to play on Zoom

  • Choose one player to act as “mission control”

    • This person will draw all the cards for each player.

    • They will roll and manage the dice.

  • Before the game, players who aren’t acting as mission control will need to sort their cards face up by color and point value. This will allow them to find the cards easily throughout the game.

    • This way, when “mission control” draws a card for a player, that player can easily find the card.

  • Each person will manage their own board.

    • Players only have to track their own birds, food, and eggs.

  • Each player will draw their own bonus cards, and what they draw will be a secret until the end of the game. Players can end the game with multiple bonus cards, and one of our favorite parts is reviewing what everyone’s bonus cards were.

Bonus tip

If you want to go above and beyond Wingspan’s normal capabilities, you can purchase a Wingspan box organizer from The Broken Token, or upgraded game pieces from Meeple Source. These wooden food pieces and bird pieces make the game even more fun to play.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for more recommendations. We consider ourselves experts in finding unique activities to do, especially in Columbia, but we are always eager to try new games and activities. So share your favorite games in the comments below! 


The Last of Us: Activity of the Week